Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How Do You Roll?

When I go to the Farmer's Market, I usually bring a large backpack to carry the booty. But the thing is, you gotta stack it all in there carefully or things get crushed (ie: squash on the bottom, then apples, then pummelos, then greens, then heirlooms, then grapes...). And sometimes things get crushed anyway. That can be a real bummer.

This method, though common, has similar problems, sometimes even worse. Cloth bag rubs against body and arm...

Hanging bags on your bike works ok, but only if you are picking up 3 or 4 things and the market's not too crowded to push your bike through...

I've noticed that some people have have much better ideas. For starters, the traditional wagon...

Or one of those "old lady going to the grocery store" carts...

And this one is for people who don't like to advertise what they're buying (and might have stacking issues similar to backpack)...

This one, I think, is some sort of laundry hamper?

I don't know what you call this - it's like a mini shopping cart with 2 levels for more surface area. Not bad!

Sometimes, aquisition of Farmer's Market Booty leads to child neglect. Note how this boy has lost his ride to a sack of oranges...

And another child displaced by food...

But, by far, the most kickin' Farmer's Market wheels is [sic]...

The Eight Shopping-Bag Caddie from Hammacher Schlemmer.

Damn! So long as you're really at the Market to get food and not pick up (because there's no way to escape looking like a 'tard pushing one of these things unless you're over 60), it really is perfect.

If you hook some re-usable cloth bags on there (or at least recycle some plastics you already have on hand) you're environmentally golden! None of your tender purchases get mushed because they all hang in their individual bags without anything on top.

Conspicuous Consumption Disclaimer: I can't think of anything else you could possibly use this thing for, so better go to the Farmer's Market a LOT to justify the purchase. If I get one, I'm going to re-name it Scroti Toti. "Hang your tender sacks on the steel rod and push... or pull!"


At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Did any of those people wonder why you were taking pictures of their...bags?!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger YouGuysKnow said...

I was very stealthy about it! One person did give me a dirty look, but I told her I was just interested in her cart. She shrugged and rolled her eyes. I did ask permission from the winning wheels because I had to ask them where they got the thing!


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